Some of the #wagyu pieces from my part of the #crowdbutching @kaufnekuh that arrived today. Will it be warm enough to #grill on Christmas? Post date December 11, 2019 Tagscrowdbutchinggrillwagyu Post date December 11, 2019 Tagscrowdbutchinggrillwagyu #brats on the #grill for lunch #wagyu #steak and #filet about to go on my #grill for dinner
Three levels of spiceyness for the #chicken #wings #chickenwings on the #grill tonight Post date May 9, 2021 Tagschickenchickenwingsgrillwings
Thanks to a colleague at @carfaxeurope we had #chickenwings on the #grill for lunch on our sunny terrace Post date February 22, 2021 Tagschickenwingsgrill
Delicious #pastrami just came off the #BBQ #grill for dinner after 18 hours (oops almost let heat die a few hours before it would have been finished) Post date August 12, 2017 Tagsbbqgrillpastrami