Beef smoking on the #grill with my #pitmasteriq – about half done Post date June 21, 2014 TagsgrillpitmasterIQ Post date June 21, 2014 TagsgrillpitmasterIQ My #pitmasterIQ in use for the first time keeping the #grill at a constant temp. Look at the smoke pouring out the side of the lid… It took awhile – the beef BBQ is off the #grill
Great food on the #grill in #tuscany #tuscanhills #tuscansummer #italy Post date August 29, 2017 Tagsgrillitalytuscanhillstuscansummertuscany
#bacon #avocado #cheeseburger from my „ #grill „ at the vacation home Post date August 23, 2020 Tagsavocadobaconcheeseburgergrill